Artist Statement
I believe that all humans are inextricably interconnected and in listening to the body from the inside out. Using these foundational beliefs, I connect with my intuitive center: calling upon internal triggers and impulses - a thought, a flavor, an emotion - to spurn motion throughout the body. I believe in creating work that allows the viewer to travel into the artist's world, creating dimension, depth, and expansive world-building. I stand by the notion that dance can encourage and display vulnerability, empathy, joy, and difficulty, embodied through refined fluidity, strong athleticism, and a clear sense of honesty. Through these efforts, I believe that we can become softer creatures - more capable of accessing compassion, humanity, and understanding. The stories I tell through movement are an invitation to experience, feel, and be - embodying a broader bandwidth of what it means to be alive.
‘with your sweet fragrance’ draws a parallel between human relationships and plant and animal wisdom by anthropomorphizing different species within natural environments. The work sample is an excerpt of a developmental film study created in residence at Shawbrook Creative Space, Ireland. Credit: Taylor Antisdel