Artist Statement
My creative process is the sincerest personal expression I can share, manifested in the vessels of strings, voice, electronics, and movement/stillness. My growth as a composer is inextricable from my acceptance of the seemingly disparate parts of my life’s experiences and celebration of their coalescence in me. I’m a classically trained emo kid with the eavesdropping skills of a New Yorker, a born & raised Queens kid with a knack for picking up different cultures’ languages and rhythms. This becomes distilled through my daily practices, and flows into the music I create. My intention is to create sound worlds that people can relate to, and find both familiarity and newness therein. I do not consider mastery to be the final accomplishment; rather, I hope to continually share where I am, as Thich Nhat Hanh describes it, in adopting ‘interbeing’ in all aspects of my life.
Cindy Lan Solo Performance - May 2024 Photographer: Raphael Galvis