Artist Statement
My choreographic practice navigates the complexities of my personal and cultural histories through movement, sound, and research. At present, I am interested in creating worlds inside of proscenium spaces that create space for queer Black femme anarchical play. I am presently in conversation with how the black femme body can access authentic liberation and autonomy. Thus far to achieve this I have cultivated safe improvisational dance spaces that allow for the fullness of the black emotional body to live by generating scores that give space to engage with rage, sorrow, joy and more. I create the space to access suppressed emotionality in community as a way to be in proximity to liberation. I am researching and creating self-generated tools to be in proximity to autonomy/freedom, of which improvisation is an access point. When given these tools how does our engagement with life shift? When we create room to engage safely with our physical, emotional, and mental do we reclaim power and dismantle inhibitors? I am currently in practice with the black feminine, specifically exploring what it asks for to gain liberation and its range of autonomy, and how to translate and present these inquiries in performance spaces.
Symara sarai_ photo of performance New York Live Arts_ Photo credit: Whitney Brown