Artist Statement
I am a Chinese-American artist, writer, and experimental filmmaker. For the past seven years, I’ve been moving between drawing, text, installation and time-based practices to examine the interplays of diasporic memory, culture and environmental history. Since 2021, I have been making wall-sized map drawings as a method for inviting audiences to re-orient to our surroundings — especially places we consider ‘home’ — in productively alien ways, by combining narratives of the land that are sometimes buried or marginalized. My works are grounded in a diasporic sense of belonging, an awe for the multiplicity of place, and an attunement to the intersections of personal narrative, communal histories, and land use. Collage is my primary aesthetic strategy: I see my maps as collages of public and private knowledge; my films as containers for collaging time, voice and narrative; and my sound work as collages of sonic encounters between my body and its surroundings.
Guest Passage, 2023. 12-channel sound installation with video projection. Installed for the Bay Area Now 9 Triennial at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA. Photography by Jenna Garrett