Artist Statement
My Sonic Peaks graphic scores resist easy categorization, primarily because they fill a need for me to explore new sonic territory, much of which is through conscious or unconscious multilingual exploration of trans-idiomatic musical grammar. The holy grail of speculative fiction (aka “science fiction” or “fantasy”)— which has had a profound influence on my artistic outlook—is the Sense of Wonder, often explained as an overwhelming experience of awe awakened when one encounters worlds and perspectives that are completely new and force one to reevaluate one’s fundamental understanding of one’s place in the universe and the most pressing existential questions that concern us as a species and a civilization. My interest in various world music traditions, as well as exotic pet husbandry and ultra-endurance sports, and all sorts of forms of avant-garde art are all an expression of my obsession with the Sense of Wonder.
Sonic Peaks score from Halcott mountain, Catskills, NY.