Matt Siegle

My work examines the interconnection of human beings and the natural world as it relates to the American West. I explore archives, artifacts, and ephemera of bodily existence with a multi-disciplinary approach that encompasses painting, sculpture, performance, and drawing. The artwork is universally inspired by my own personal experience as queer American and my desire to expand the tropes of the American landscape.

TALL / Social Club / Tucson, AZ
2019 34 3/4 x 48 5/16 Oil, acrylic, and sweeping compound on canvas

Matt Siegle is a Los Angeles-based visual artist. He has exhibited throughout the United States and Europe, including Liste Art Fair Basel (2021) with Good Weather (Chicago/North Little Rock). In 2022, he will participate in how we are in time and space at the Pasadena Armory Center for the Arts, curated by Michael Ned Holte, and will exhibit on the moon with the Arch Mission Foundation. Siegle’s studio practice is currently peripatetic; he teaches sculpture at Dartmouth College.