My work focuses on the simple everyday gestures and rituals that we perceive as mundane practices that, in actuality, bear great significance to our human experience. I capture subtle human interactions and behaviors to better understand human nature and the bonds between us—bonds that bridge time and space to connect us to our partners, families, communities, strangers and even the deceased. I work in a wide range of media, including live performance, video, painting, photography, installation, text and sound pieces. Since immigrating to New York City from Korea, I have continuously tried to overcome my sense of cultural displacement. This has led me to engage others, from strangers to family members, in collaborative and performative processes. By creating an open exchange of interests, curiosity and empathy at the micro- and macro-level of my communities, I traverse invisible personal boundaries in human relationships and generate bonding moments through my work.
Kyoung eun Kang, Omaha Diary I, Three-channel video installation, 2016, 60 min, BRIC project room, Brooklyn, NY This three-channel installation observes the rituals of a 90-year-old couple living in Omaha, Nebraska and reveals the growing interpersonal relationship between the couple and the artist.