I am a contemporary classical composer and pianist specializing in working with just intonation tunings. I am very interested in the creative process in all of the arts, and my professional engagements have included collaborations with filmmakers, visual artists, architects, and choreographers. I started working with just intonation in 1979 while studying and singing North Indian classical music with Pandit Pran Nath and composers La Monte Young and Terry Riley. Before long, I started noticing that pianos always sounded out of tune and realized that I was hearing the compromises of equal temperament. I came to New York City to study as La Monte Young’s tuning and performance assistant. Later I created the “harmonic piano,” an extensively modified grand piano able to play 24 notes per octave. To this day I continue a rigorous study and practice of both Indian music and just intonation piano which informs my entire approach to music.
Michael Harrison_Performance Shot_Photo_2010