Mine is a process of sympathetic improvisations. I don’t pre-sketch; I repurpose abstract paintings as figurative paintings. By prioritizing formal concerns over narrative intentions and coupling irrational and referential forms, I create paintings that function as propositions or uncertain scenarios. I use repetition like propaganda to normalize strangeness, imply motion, show the shadow self, and create an army. Symmetry hypnotizes and mirrors the viewer peering in as the painting peers back, symbolic of the incommunicable abstraction of our interiority. Apparent in my work are themes of vulnerability as strength, quitting as self-care, the relationship of the individual to their community, and our unknowable interiority.
"Sunset As Self" 2021 Flashe on linen 20 x 16 inches premiered Art Basel 2021 OVR with Shulamit Nazarian Thumbnail-"Block" 2021 Flashe on linen 22 x 15 inches premiered Art Basel 2021 OVR with Shulamit Nazarian