Leslie Cuyjet is a choreographer and performer based in New York. She has collaborated, contributed, co-directed, facilitated, designed, and danced with a range of artists since earning a BFA in dance at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Artists that include Kim Brandt, Yanira Castro/a canary torsi, Jane Comfort, David Gordon, Niall Noel Jones, Cynthia Oliver, Juliana F. May, Julian Barnett, Stephanie Acosta, Vanessa Walters, NARCISSISTER, Sean Donovan and Sebastián Calderón Bentin, Emily Wexler, David Thomson, Mark Dendy, The A.O. Movement Collective, and Will Rawls, among others. She has appeared in performances by Anohni, Meredith Monk, and Solange. Her independent work aims to unpack this personal archive that includes two decades of performing across postmodern and experimental forms through the lens of a black woman, using writing and choreography. Cuyjet has been presented in New York by La MaMa (La MaMa Moves! Festival/The Current Sessions), Gibney Dance (DoublePlus), Center for Performance Research (Fall Movement), Movement Research (Fall Festival, Movement Research at Judson Church), AUNTS (Realness, Populous), and Danspace Draftworks. Leslie has held the honor of being an artist-in-residence at Chez Bushwick (2016), Movement Research (2017-2018), and Center for Performance Research (2019), and Yaddo (2019)
Leslie Cuyjet, A Salient Theme (2017), at La MaMa for LaMaMa Moves! Festival. Image by Scott Shaw. Originally premiered in 2016 at Center for Performance Research.