Becs Epstein

Artist Statement

Becs’ practice is anchored in the dynamics of human non-human relationships. She makes research-based ceramics, performance, painting, and installation which culminate in transformative moments for participants. Becs creates imagery that is assertive and dream-like by combining hand making and digital technology. At this time of the human-created climate crisis, she oscillates between anthropocentrism and ecocentrism. Becs is exploring what saying sorry and thank you means to creatures who cannot audibly respond. She experiments everyday in how to become coequal kin with botanical life by confronting the harm humanity causes. Through apology we recognize wrongs and the need for change while gratitude provides moments for potential rebuilding. She mines her personal relationship with the non-human to create opportunities for viewers to engage in thinking of climate change without becoming paralyzed.

BecsEpstein_A Year of Apologies_laserEngravedCeramic HandmadeBooks Performance _2023_70inx150inx170in_Washington Gallery SAIC This is the culmination of a year-long, durational work in which Becs apologized to a different plant every day through speech, sculpture, ceramic, and written text. To interact with the installation, Becs encourages touching and becoming close to the sculptures which in this installation involved viewers laying in the bed and reading in this dreamscape. The custom bed, side table, and shelves are covered in a mosaic of laser-engraved tiles. The tiles oscillate between ghostly and legible to call upon the power of the past year of apologizing and the artist’s childhood relationship with plant life. Each is individually laser engraved through layers of underglaze to destructively reveal and create the image. Becs created this technique. She activated this piece by performing the apologies while lounging on the sculpture. Picture Credit: Eugene Tang


Becs Epstein is a transdisciplinary artist whose work explores human-plant relationships through sculpture, ceramics, and performance. Her work has been exhibited internationally and across the United States, including venues such as Links Hall (Chicago), August Wilson Center (Pittsburgh), Legend Galleries (Philadelphia), Elbow Room Gallery (New York City), and Manifestos of Systematic Change (New Zealand). Becs has undertaken residencies from South Korea to New York City to Washington State in rural and city environments. She received an Arts, Science + Culture Initiative Graduate Collaboration Grant from the University of Chicago and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago for the publication of a book. Becs holds a BFA in Contextual Practice and Sculptural Installation from Carnegie Mellon University and an MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She squiggles into tight spots of toxicity and feeling with the non-human