Artist Statement
A self-described documentarian, I embrace words that have defined my life, for good and for bad. This confessional work makes a direct verbal appeal for introspection, self-awareness, and forgiveness. In my drawings, installations, audio work, videos, and social practice work, I search for universal connections by retelling personal and intimate storytelling. I want to encourage conversations and find common vocabulary. Informed by the intersection of a complicated upbringing. My Catholic school-life was immersed with rituals, confessionals, civility, and verbal abuse. Juxtaposed with a loving home-life that was secretive, sad, chaotic, and violent, it felt like danger was always around the corner. In my work, I navigate the beauty of ritual with the hopelessness of penance. Parochial and political, my work offers both a celebration of sadness and a hopeful triumph over it. In a seemingly aggressive world, I hope to find a place of comfort and hope.
Will Sleep Tonight 2017-2023 Various Locations, including: Tucson Museum of Art Biennial, PHiCA Hot Box, SMoCA Label Making Tape and Push Pins 62 inches x 130 inches On the left is a close up, and the right side is the installation shot from SMoCA. Site-specific installation with phrases and mantras looking for calm and peace. As I listen to the news I worry about the future of the country. Like my Catholic Grandmother praying on the rosary, I find comfort in typing out that I am going to be okay on a label-maker. If I repeat these mantras enough, I might just make it out on the other side unscathed.