Samantha Holmes is an artist based in New York and Ravenna, Italy who focuses on conceptual and material experimentation in the medium of mosaic. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including at the Palazzo Fortuny (Venice), in conjunction with the 2015 Venice Biennale, the Bronx Museum of the Arts (New York), and the ARTPLAY Design Center (Moscow). In 2011, she represented Italy at the European project Les Langages du Bleu in Paris and was recipient of the International GAEM Art Prize (Young Artists and Mosaic) from the Museum of the City of Ravenna, which holds her work within its permanent collection. She is also winner of the 2013 RAM prize for mosaic. She is the founder of design mind and editor of SoloMosaico, the leading international journal on contemporary mosaic. She holds degrees from Harvard University (BA, Visual and Environmental Studies, 2006), and the Accademia di Belle Arti in Ravenna (MFA, Experimental Mosaic, 2014).