Owyn Ruck

Shroud was woven as two separate panels, painted with foraged clay from the land I live on. The piece was a submission for a publication that explores the feminine as a principle of humanizing and repairing relationship, and whose proceeds support b…

Shroud was woven as two separate panels, painted with foraged clay from the land I live on. The piece was a submission for a publication that explores the feminine as a principle of humanizing and repairing relationship, and whose proceeds support birthing justice. The piece was cut into 144 squares and distributed with the first round of printing, as an offering to unweave and unravel personal and collective conditioning.

Owyn Ruck is a weaver and an unweaver. Her choice of medium lies in seeking liberation – moments where order lives within chaos, joy in pain, birth in death. Passing the shuttle, she is on a journey inside, attempting to return with language the body and spirit knowing. Her motivation for art is the same as healing or teaching -- to unweave, imbuing a love for humanity into the questioning of how things have come to be.
