Janée J. Baugher is the author of two ekphrastic poetry collections, The Body’s Physics (Tebot Bach, 2013) and Coördinates of Yes (Ahadada Books, 2010). She holds degrees from Boston University and Eastern Washington University, and her nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and criticism have been published in nearly 100 journals and anthologies, including The Writer’s Chronicle, The Portland Review, NANO Fiction, and Nimrod. A two-time Pushcart Prize nominee and Bread Loaf Conference participant, Baugher has received grants/awards from Humanities Washington, Richard Hugo House, Jack Straw Foundation, and The Lerman Trust. She’s currently on the editorial staff of Boulevard magazine.
Baugher’s interdisciplinary collaborations include work with visual artists, composers, and choreographers. Over the years she has had poems adapted for the stage and set to music at University of Cincinnati-Conservatory of Music, Contemporary Dance Theatre in Ohio, Interlochen Center for the Arts in Michigan, and Dance Now! Ensemble in Florida. Baugher has presented her poetry at the Library of Congress, and she has been awarded nonfiction fellowships at the Island Institute of Sitka in Alaska and Silver Creek Residency in Idaho. Baugher’s current project is a memoir-in-progress, Who by Water, Who by Sword?: How a Suicide Saved Her Own life, which treats themes of aquaphobia, nature, and mental illness.