Originally from Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Karen Henderson now resides Vermont. She studied Textile Design at Moore College of Art & Design in Philadelphia, PA. Her work has been exhibited nationally in galleries and in juried shows such as The Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show among others. Karen’s pieces are included in the permanent art collections of The University of Vermont Medical Center (VT), Central Vermont Medical Center (VT), The Banner Ironwood Medical Center (AZ), and in over eighty private collections. Her work has been published in several books and periodicals, including 1000 Artisan Textiles, The Guild Sourcebook of Residential Art #6, Fiberarts, Surface Design Journal, and Selvedge magazines. Henderson’s artwork has also appeared on the set of the academy award-winning movie Black Swan, as well as NBC’s TV-series Do No Harm, and the upcoming 2015 feature film Louder Than Bombs.