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Turning Your Life into Art: A Workshop in Fiction, Memoir and Screenplay with Charles Salzburg

Turning Your Life into Art: A Workshop in Fiction, Memoir and Screenplay with Charles Salzburg

From the wildest fantasy film to the most heartfelt, truth-telling memoir, all stories originate from real life. But how does one cull certain life experiences and transform those moments into a novel, film or memoir? How does fact ignite fiction? Charles Salzberg and Ross Klavan have worked in a variety of art forms—novel, short story, and screen writing, creative non-fiction and memoir. Using their expertise, attendees will learn how to shape their experience into a unique imaginative art form. The workshop will include specific exercises, panel discussions, screenings, and individual consultations. Salzberg and Klavan will read from their work, as will special guest instructor, award-winning fiction writer Christina Chiu.